Theatre On Ice

Our Theatre on Ice team, Evolution Theatre On Ice, is bursting with talent and creativity. This group of remarkable individuals brings the magic of theatre and the elegance of figure skating together in perfect harmony.

Theatre on Ice (TOI) is a type of competitive figure skating that blends dance, theatre, and traditional figure skating techniques. Skaters wear detailed costumes and incorporate props and scenery into their performances. The routines combine elements of synchronized skating, freestyle skating, and pairs skating to create an entertaining show for viewers. In USFS, the main components of TOI are theme, choreography, and body movement.

With their seamless blend of intricate choreography, breathtaking lifts, and stunning costumes, they captivate the audience and transport them into a world of imagination. Each performance is a unique storytelling experience, where our skaters effortlessly convey emotions and narratives through their graceful movements. As they glide across the ice, their passion and dedication shine through, leaving spectators in awe. Whether it's a whimsical fairytale or a gripping drama, our Theatre on Ice team never fails to leave a lasting impression and create memories to cherish forever.

Learn more about TOI in our March 2023 blog post, “A Look Into the World of Theatre On Ice.”


Evolution Theatre On Ice

With their seamless blend of intricate choreography, amazing lifts, and stunning costumes, Evolution Theatre On Ice captivates the audience and transports them into a world of imagination. Each performance is a unique storytelling experience, where our skaters effortlessly convey emotions and narratives through their graceful movements, leaving spectators in awe. Whether it's a whimsical fairytale or a gripping drama, our Evolution Theatre On Ice team never fails to leave a lasting impression and create memories to cherish forever.